The main goal of is to collect as much information as possible about Belgian and Dutch Draft Horses. First of all we publish news about all the latest happenings in the drafthorse-world, as well as results and photos of contests and other events.
I started this website in 2001, at that time it had the name “Our Belgian Draugth Horse - Groenenbroek Studfarm”. During the years the website got bigger and bigger, and became the most extensive and most visited website about this breed.
In the first place it publishes the latest news from the Draft Horse-world - mostly Belgian and Dutch news and mainly focused on the breeding part (results of contests, stallion info,...). Now, over 10 years later that’s still the focus but there’s also room for e.g. sport/recreation.
In 2010 the Belgian studbook organisation asked me if we could join forces and combine some of the existing websites to one global website, so that’s what happened.
More than five years later though, the website almost bursts and that's how "" was born. This website is again a personal and independent project, with as main goal: “Bringing everything that has to do with Belgian Draft Horses together - no matter by/for who, what or where.”
And who am I ?! — As a young girl during a holiday I started this website as “some pages” about our own studfarm ‘Groenenbroek Stables’ situated in Ranst (Antwerp, Belgium). Soon I also published “some” general news, show results,... . It got so out of hand that I went studying “Interactive Multimedia Design” instead of becoming a veterinary which was my plan since I was five years old. Plans can change So now I’m a webdesigner/developer and after workhours, I spend a lot of time maintaining this website.
Beside that, Studfarm Groenenbroek, is mine and my family’s “active participating” in the draft horse world. Only as a hobby we have some draft horses with several new borns every year. Thanks to our early presence in the online world we made some contacts with draft horse amateurs around the world and several of our offspring is now far far away from their place of birth (USA, Chile, Slovenia,...). We’re very happy and extremely proud that in this way we help to create (a little bit) extra attention for the Belgian Drafthorse in the rest of the world. More info about our horses can be found at
With best regards,
Eva De Smidt
Of course covering the complete ‘Draft horse world’ is not possible for one person.
A sincere word of thanks to everyone and all organizations that have contributed in a far or recent past to this website.
If you have any news, additions,...? Let us know at
Furthermore, a special word of thanks to the people below who on a very regular basis help out with their support, news, pictures, information,... !
Van den Bulck
Van der Weerden
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